Cm Punk really needs a better physique if he is going to face brock lesnar

Publish date: 2024-06-12
I see taking contrary opinions on board is not one of your strong suits.

Of course, it is part of Punk's appeal. He is different. He is counter-culture. And for a not insignificant part of the IWC, he is not John Cena but shares many of his talents.

I will concede that he could have done with a victory over HHH given that it was during the Summer of Punk Part 2 phase. Well, actually, he could have done with not being put in that situation full stop. It was poor booking/bad timing for face Punk to end up in a match with HHH with the latter's job on the line.

However, he had no reason to expect a victory over the Rock. He was the heel (so any victory he might have gotten would not have been clean anyway) and had been built up, not very well, over the previous 5 months to lose the title to Rocky.

And the Undertaker? Well, it was Wrestlemania and because Punk was getting time off post-Mania as well as Taker's poor health, any thoughts of a rematch were quickly shelved.

Far too much stalk is being put in Punk's look. Instead, you need to buy into the winning machine that face CM Punk was in the first half of his last reign as WWE Champion. The guy that John Cena, someone who has beaten Lesnar, could not beat. The guy that overturned the odds numerous times. Kicked out of countless finishers.

That is the character that is going to be facing Brock Lesnar at Summerslam. Not the snivelling chickenshit heel who fluffed his way passed the likes of Ryback.
