Discoveries In "What The Bible Says About Crystals"

Publish date: 2024-06-11

What does the bible say about crystals refers to the religious and spiritual beliefs about the significance and properties of crystals within the context of the Christian faith, as expressed in the Bible.

Throughout history, crystals have held cultural and spiritual significance in various societies, including religious traditions. In Christianity, there are several references to crystals and gemstones in the Bible, often associated with symbolism, beauty, and divine qualities.

This article will explore the biblical perspective on crystals, examining their symbolic meanings, the beliefs surrounding their spiritual properties, and the role they play in Christian traditions and practices.

What does the bible say about crystals

Crystals, as mentioned in the Bible, hold symbolic and spiritual significance in Christianity. Here are ten key aspects to explore:

These aspects highlight the multifaceted nature of crystals in biblical context. They represent spiritual qualities, divine guidance, beauty, and the wonders of God's creation. While the Bible does not explicitly endorse the use of crystals for healing or other metaphysical purposes, it acknowledges their symbolic and spiritual significance.


In the biblical context, crystals are often associated with beauty, purity, and divine qualities. This symbolism is rooted in the physical characteristics and cultural significance of crystals throughout history.

The beauty of crystals, with their intricate formations and sparkling clarity, has been admired and valued in various cultures. In the Bible, this beauty is often associated with the purity and holiness of God. For example, the Book of Revelation describes the New Jerusalem as having "a wall of jasper, clear as crystal" (Revelation 21:11), symbolizing the purity and perfection of God's heavenly city.

Additionally, crystals have been traditionally believed to possess spiritual properties, such as the ability to promote healing, protection, and spiritual growth. While the Bible does not explicitly endorse these beliefs, it does acknowledge the symbolic connection between crystals and divine qualities. For instance, in the priestly garments of the Old Testament, the Urim and Thummim, which were used for seeking divine guidance, were set in gold and adorned with precious stones (Exodus 28:30).

Spiritual Properties

Within the context of "what does the bible say about crystals," the topic of spiritual properties, including healing, protection, and spiritual growth, holds significant importance. While the Bible does not explicitly endorse the use of crystals for these purposes, it does acknowledge the symbolic connection between crystals and divine qualities.

Historically, crystals have been attributed with various spiritual properties. Some believe that crystals can promote physical and emotional healing, offer protection from negative energies, and aid in spiritual development. These beliefs stem from ancient traditions and cultural practices, where crystals were often used as talismans or amulets for protection and healing.

In the Bible, there are references to the use of precious stones and crystals in religious ceremonies and adornments. For instance, the breastplate of the High Priest in the Old Testament was adorned with twelve gemstones, each representing one of the twelve tribes of Israel (Exodus 28:15-21). This suggests that crystals were not only valued for their beauty but also held symbolic and spiritual significance.

While the Bible does not provide specific instructions on the use of crystals for spiritual purposes, it does emphasize the importance of faith in God for healing, protection, and spiritual growth. Christians believe that God is the ultimate source of healing, protection, and guidance, and that reliance on external objects or practices should not replace trust in God's power and grace.

In summary, the connection between "Spiritual Properties: Healing, protection, and spiritual growth" and "what does the bible say about crystals" lies in the symbolic and traditional associations of crystals with divine qualities. While the Bible does not explicitly endorse the use of crystals for these purposes, it acknowledges the cultural and historical significance of crystals and emphasizes the importance of faith in God for true healing, protection, and spiritual growth.

Divine Revelation

The connection between "Divine Revelation: Urim and Thummim, priestly garments" and "what does the bible say about crystals" lies in the symbolic and religious significance of crystals in the context of divine revelation and priestly attire.

The Urim and Thummim were objects used by the High Priest in ancient Israel to seek divine guidance and make decisions on behalf of the people. They were placed in a special pouch attached to the priestly breastplate, which was adorned with twelve gemstones, each representing one of the twelve tribes of Israel (Exodus 28:30). These gemstones were believed to have spiritual significance and were associated with divine qualities.

The use of crystals and gemstones in priestly garments and religious ceremonies indicates their symbolic connection to divine revelation and the presence of God. Crystals were seen as pure and precious materials, reflecting the holiness of God and the sacred nature of the priestly office. The Urim and Thummim, as a means of seeking divine guidance, further reinforces the association between crystals and divine revelation.

While the Bible does not explicitly state the specific properties or powers of crystals, the use of gemstones in religious contexts suggests that they were believed to possess spiritual significance and were valued for their beauty and symbolic qualities.

Foundation Stones

The connection between "Foundation Stones: Twelve gemstones in the New Jerusalem" and "what does the bible say about crystals" lies in the symbolic and eschatological significance of crystals in the context of divine revelation and the heavenly city.

In the Book of Revelation, the New Jerusalem is described as having twelve foundation stones, each adorned with a different gemstone (Revelation 21:19-20). These gemstones represent the twelve apostles of the Lamb and symbolize the spiritual foundation of the heavenly city.

The use of gemstones as foundation stones in the New Jerusalem highlights their symbolic value as precious and enduring materials. They represent the strength, beauty, and purity of the heavenly city and the spiritual qualities of the apostles who laid its foundation.

The association of crystals with the foundation of the New Jerusalem suggests that they are not merely decorative elements but hold spiritual significance and represent the divine nature of the heavenly city. They serve as a reminder of the eternal and unchanging nature of God's kingdom and the hope of believers for a future dwelling place with God.


The connection between "Adornment: Jewelry and decorative elements" and "what does the bible say about crystals" lies in the cultural, symbolic, and spiritual significance of crystals in the context of personal adornment.

Overall, the connection between "Adornment: Jewelry and decorative elements" and "what does the bible say about crystals" highlights the multifaceted nature of crystals and their enduring significance in human culture. Whether for personal adornment, symbolic expression, or spiritual beliefs, crystals continue to be valued and appreciated for their beauty, rarity, and perceived spiritual properties.

Rarity and Value

The connection between "Rarity and Value: Precious and valuable materials" and "what does the bible say about crystals" lies in the intrinsic worth and significance attributed to crystals throughout history and in religious traditions.

Crystals, known for their unique formations, beauty, and durability, have been highly valued and sought after across cultures. Their rarity and perceived spiritual properties have contributed to their precious nature, making them desirable for adornment, religious ceremonies, and as objects of spiritual significance.

In the Bible, crystals and gemstones are often mentioned in the context of their beauty, value, and association with divine qualities. For instance, the Book of Revelation describes the New Jerusalem as having "a wall of jasper, clear as crystal" (Revelation 21:11), highlighting the value and beauty of this precious material in the heavenly city.

The rarity and value of crystals also influenced their use in religious ceremonies and priestly garments. The breastplate of the High Priest in the Old Testament was adorned with twelve gemstones, each representing one of the twelve tribes of Israel (Exodus 28:15-21). These gemstones were not only valuable but also held symbolic and spiritual significance, representing the divine qualities associated with each tribe.

Understanding the connection between "Rarity and Value: Precious and valuable materials" and "what does the bible say about crystals" helps us appreciate the historical, cultural, and religious significance of crystals. It also sheds light on the enduring value placed on these precious materials, both in ancient times and in contemporary society.

Fragility and Imperfection

The connection between "Fragility and Imperfection: Remind of human limitations" and "what does the bible say about crystals" lies in the symbolic and metaphorical significance of crystals in relation to human nature and spirituality.

Exploring the connection between "Fragility and Imperfection: Remind of human limitations" and "what does the bible say about crystals" provides a deeper understanding of the symbolic and metaphorical significance of crystals in relation to human nature and spirituality. It reminds us of our limitations, the need for humility and grace, and the beauty that can be found in our imperfections.

Hardness and Durability

The connection between "Hardness and Durability: Strength and resilience" and "what does the bible say about crystals" lies in the symbolic and metaphorical significance of crystals in relation to spiritual strength, resilience, and overcoming challenges.

In the Bible, crystals are often associated with strength, durability, and resilience. For example, in the book of Revelation, the New Jerusalem is described as having "a wall of jasper, clear as crystal" (Revelation 21:11). Jasper is known for its hardness and durability, qualities that are symbolically attributed to the heavenly city and the strength of God's presence.

The hardness and durability of crystals can serve as a reminder of the strength and resilience that is available to us through faith in God. Just as crystals can withstand external forces and remain intact, we too can find strength and resilience in the face of adversity and challenges.

Moreover, the durability of crystals can symbolize the enduring nature of God's love and faithfulness. Just as crystals can endure for centuries, God's love and faithfulness are constant and unwavering.

Understanding the connection between "Hardness and Durability: Strength and resilience" and "what does the bible say about crystals" provides a deeper appreciation for the symbolic and metaphorical significance of crystals in relation to our spiritual lives. It reminds us of the strength, resilience, and enduring love that is available to us through faith in God.

Transparency and Clarity

The connection between "Transparency and Clarity: Purity of heart and divine light" and "what does the bible say about crystals" lies in the symbolic and metaphorical significance of crystals in relation to spiritual purity, divine light, and the transformation of the human heart.

In the Bible, crystals are often associated with purity, transparency, and the revelation of divine light. For example, in the book of Revelation, the New Jerusalem is described as having "a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal" (Revelation 22:1). This imagery symbolizes the purity and transparency of God's presence and the transformative power of his love.

The clarity and transparency of crystals can serve as a reminder of the importance of purity of heart and the need to allow divine light to permeate our lives. Just as crystals allow light to pass through them, we too should strive to be transparent and open to the transformative power of God's love and grace.

Moreover, the transparency of crystals can symbolize the revelation of divine light and truth. Just as crystals can reveal the hidden beauty of light, God's presence can illuminate our hearts and minds, revealing his truth and leading us to a deeper understanding of his ways.

Minerals and Gems

The connection between "Minerals and Gems: Created by God, part of his creation" and "what does the bible say about crystals" lies in the biblical perspective on the created order and the inherent value of all things created by God.

The Bible teaches that God created all things, including minerals and gems (Genesis 1:1). These natural resources are part of God's good creation and reflect his wisdom and artistry. As such, they are to be valued and used responsibly.

In the Bible, crystals are sometimes mentioned in the context of their beauty and preciousness. For example, the book of Revelation describes the New Jerusalem as having "a wall of jasper, clear as crystal" (Revelation 21:11). This imagery suggests that crystals are part of the beauty and splendor of God's heavenly kingdom.

The understanding that minerals and gems are created by God has practical significance for our lives. It reminds us that we are stewards of God's creation and that we should use these resources wisely. It also encourages us to appreciate the beauty and diversity of the natural world and to recognize the inherent value of all things created by God.


This section addresses frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding the topic of crystals in the context of the Bible. It provides concise answers and insights based on biblical principles.

Question 1: Does the Bible explicitly endorse the use of crystals for healing or other metaphysical purposes?

Answer: No, the Bible does not explicitly endorse the use of crystals for healing or other metaphysical purposes. While the Bible does mention crystals and gemstones in various contexts, it does not attribute supernatural or healing properties to them.

Question 2: What is the significance of crystals and gemstones in the Bible?

Answer: Crystals and gemstones are mentioned in the Bible primarily as symbols of beauty, value, and divine qualities. They are often used to describe the beauty of God's creation, the splendor of heaven, and the preciousness of God's people.

Question 3: Is it wrong to appreciate the beauty and rarity of crystals?

Answer: No, it is not wrong to appreciate the beauty and rarity of crystals. God created all things, including crystals, and we can admire their beauty and value as part of his creation.

Question 4: Should Christians avoid using crystals altogether?

Answer: The Bible does not prohibit the use of crystals for non-superstitious purposes, such as jewelry or decoration. However, Christians should be cautious about attributing supernatural or healing powers to crystals and should avoid practices that conflict with biblical teachings.

Question 5: How can Christians approach the topic of crystals wisely?

Answer: Christians can approach the topic of crystals wisely by recognizing their limited significance, avoiding practices that promote superstition or false beliefs, and focusing on the true source of healing and spiritual growth, which is God.

Question 6: What is the ultimate message about crystals from a biblical perspective?

Answer: The ultimate message about crystals from a biblical perspective is that they are part of God's created order and can be appreciated for their beauty and value. However, Christians should not place undue emphasis on crystals or attribute powers to them that only belong to God.

Summary: The Bible does not endorse the use of crystals for healing or metaphysical purposes but recognizes their symbolic and aesthetic value. Christians can appreciate the beauty of crystals while avoiding practices that conflict with biblical teachings and relying on God as the true source of healing and spiritual growth.

Transition to the next article section: This concludes our exploration of the topic "What Does the Bible Say About Crystals?"

Tips Regarding "What Does the Bible Say About Crystals"

Understanding the biblical perspective on crystals provides valuable insights for Christians. Here are some tips to consider:

Tip 1: Recognize the Symbolic Significance of Crystals

Crystals in the Bible often symbolize beauty, purity, and divine qualities. Appreciate their symbolic value without attributing supernatural powers to them.

Tip 2: Value Crystals as Part of God's Creation

Crystals are part of God's created order and can be valued for their beauty and rarity. Avoid excessive attachment or superstitious beliefs.

Tip 3: Avoid Practices that Promote Superstition

The Bible does not support the use of crystals for healing or divination. Focus on God as the true source of guidance and healing.

Tip 4: Use Crystals Responsibly and Ethically

If using crystals for non-superstitious purposes, do so responsibly and ethically. Consider their environmental impact and avoid contributing to unethical mining practices.

Tip 5: Seek Spiritual Growth Through Biblical Principles

True spiritual growth comes from following biblical teachings and relying on God's grace. Avoid practices that emphasize crystals over the Word of God.

Summary: By following these tips, Christians can approach the topic of crystals with wisdom and discernment, valuing their symbolic significance while avoiding practices that conflict with biblical principles.

Conclusion: The Bible provides guidance for Christians regarding crystals, emphasizing their symbolic value as part of God's creation. By recognizing their limited significance and avoiding superstitious practices, believers can appreciate the beauty of crystals while maintaining a biblical perspective.


This exploration of "what does the bible say about crystals" has provided insights into the biblical perspective on these natural wonders. Crystals are recognized as part of God's creation, valued for their beauty and symbolic significance.

While the Bible does not endorse the use of crystals for healing or other metaphysical purposes, it encourages Christians to appreciate their aesthetic and symbolic value. Avoiding superstitious practices and relying on God as the true source of healing and spiritual growth is crucial.
