Exciter - Neutron 4 Help Documentation

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Table of Contents


The Exciter can be used to add subtle or dramatic harmonic distortion to enhance and accentuate elements in your audio.

Module Interface

The Exciter module includes the following sections:

  • Module Header
  • Meters and Displays
  • Controls
  • Tame
  • Pre-Emphasis Modes
  • Learn
  • Reset
  • LFE: (Not pictured, surround instances only.)
  • Tame

    When Tame is enabled, the input signal’s original dynamics are restored and distortion is applied evenly to performances with varying dynamics. When Tame is disabled the Exciter acts as a typical stompbox effect, where distortion is applied based on the level of the original signal, amount of applied gain, and the distortion profile.

    Tame Affects Volume

    In instances where gain boosts occur due to liberal use of distortion the Tame button will drop the volume of the signal to restore the original dynamics of the input signal.

    Use Tame With Dynamic Material

    Tame is best used in situations where you want to maintain the original musical expression of an input signal. For example, applying the Exciter to a vocal part that has soft and loud dynamic material may result in reducing the dynamic range of the part entirely. Adding Tame will provide an evenly distributed distortion effect and maintain that vocal part’s dynamics.

    Pre-Emphasis Modes

    Used to apply subtle harmonic emphasis to saturation in different areas of the frequency spectrum. These differences allow mild changes to the low-mids (vocal thickness or body) or high-mids (vocal presence). The types of Pre-Emphasis Modes available to you are:


    Enable Learn to allow the Exciter to quickly identify natural crossover cutoff points and provide cutoff placement suggestions based on intelligently identified minima in the spectrum.


    Enable Reset to revert the entire Exciter module back to factory default. If you wish to return to settings you were using before clicking the Reset button, you can use the Undo History window to revert to the settings before the Reset event.


    This option appears when Neutron is inserted on a 5.1 or 7.1 surround track. When enabled, the LFE channel will be processed along with all other channels. When disabled, the LFE channel will not be processed by the associated module. If necessary, latency compensation is applied to the LFE channel when it is disabled, to ensure timing is maintained between all channels.

    Meters and Displays

    Meters and displays illustrate how the Exciter is responding to and processing the input signal.

  • Multiband Crossover Spectrum View: Access the Multiband Crossover Spectrum View and controls. For more information, see the Multiband Crossover Spectrum View in the General Controls chapter.
  • Spectrum Analyzer: displays the magnitude (amplitude in dB) of the input and output signals across the frequency spectrum in real-time.
  • Controls


    Adjusts the balance of distortion applied to low or high frequency content. Settings between -100 and 0 emphasize low frequency content and settings between 0 and 100 emphasize high frequency content.

    Tone Filter Applied To Wet Signal

    The Tone slider affects the entire wet signal which allows for powerful control over the Exciter Module’s entire frequency response.

    Post Filter

    Applies gentle shelving for attenuation. Displayed as a high shelf icon as high shelf icon overlaid on the multiband spectrum view. Drag the Post Filter node to adjust the frequency and the gain of the filter.

    Post Filter AdjustmentsRanges
    Maximum Attenuation-12dB
    Frequency Range1kHz to 20kHz

    NOTE: Post Filter Applied to Wet Signal

    The Post Filter will affect the entire wet signal which can help adjust/attenuate/tame the Exciter module’s high end frequency response.

    HUD Controls

    The following controls are available in the Exciter module HUD:


    Adjust to control the amount of excitation applied to the signal.

    Processing Mode

    The processing mode in the Exciter switches the style of distortion between subtle and dramatic harmonic profiles per band. Classic processing mode provides four modes for subtle excitation use cases. Trash processing mode provides four modes for dramatic distortion use cases. The Trash name refers to the Trash 2 distortion product made by iZotope. You can choose between Classic or Trash modes.

    X/Y Pad

    Blends different harmonic profiles to achieve the sound you want to hear.


    Adjusts how much of the wet (processed) signal is applied to the dry (unprocessed) signal. The processing on the signal is dictated by the X/Y pad settings. Using the mix slider for a different blend of signals can have varying results:

    Neutron 4.0.2
