Rep. Doug Gutwein Obituary Former State Rep. Doug Gutwein Has Passed Away.

Publish date: 2024-05-08


Doug Gutwein Obituary: Former State Representative Doug Gutwein, known for his courageous battle against cancer, passed away on December 1. During his 14-year tenure in the legislature, Gutwein made significant contributions, authoring laws that expanded newborn screenings and improved veteran services. His dedication to public service and commitment to making a difference will be remembered.


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Doug Gutwein: A Legacy of Service and Accomplishments

Doug Gutwein will always be remembered for his unwavering dedication and remarkable contributions to his community. Throughout his life, he exemplified the true spirit of public service, leaving behind a legacy that will continue to inspire others.

Former State Representative and Cancer Fighter

Doug Gutwein’s journey as a former state representative was marked by his resilience and determination, even in the face of adversity. He bravely fought cancer, demonstrating his unwavering spirit and inspiring countless others along the way. His passing on Friday, Dec. 1, was a profound loss for his loved ones and the community he served.

Representation of House District 16

Gutwein’s impact as the representative of House District 16 cannot be overstated. Comprising Pulaski County and parts of Fulton, Jasper, Newton, and Starke counties, this district benefited greatly from Gutwein’s leadership and advocacy. During his 14-year tenure in the legislature, he tirelessly worked to address the needs and concerns of his constituents, leaving an indelible mark on the district.

Legislative Career and Committees

Doug Gutwein’s legislative career spanned an impressive 14 years, during which he dedicated himself to serving the people of his district and the state of Indiana. His commitment to public service and his tireless efforts to make a positive impact were evident throughout his tenure.

14 Years of Service

For 14 years, Doug Gutwein worked diligently to represent the interests and concerns of his constituents. His long and distinguished career in the legislature allowed him to develop a deep understanding of the issues facing his community and the state as a whole. Gutwein’s unwavering dedication and passion for public service were evident in every decision he made and every action he took.

Committee Memberships and Chair Positions

Gutwein’s influence extended beyond his role as a state representative. He served on several important committees, where he played a crucial role in shaping legislation and policies. As a member of the House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety Committee, Agriculture and Rural Development Committee, and House Environmental Affairs Committee, Gutwein brought his expertise and insights to the table, ensuring that the voices of his constituents were heard.


Furthermore, Gutwein’s leadership abilities were recognized as he held chair positions in various committees. He chaired the House Employment, Labor, and Pensions Committee, where he worked to address issues related to employment, labor rights, and pensions. His dedication to improving the lives of Hoosiers was evident in his efforts to create laws that protected workers’ rights and ensured fair treatment in the workplace.

Gutwein’s contributions extended beyond his committee memberships. He authored significant legislation, such as “Graham’s Law” and “Bryce’s Bill,” which had a profound impact on the lives of Indiana residents. These laws expanded newborn screenings, ensuring early detection and treatment for severe conditions, and honored the memory of children who faced rare genetic diseases.

Through his committee work, legislative accomplishments, and dedication to serving his constituents, Doug Gutwein left an enduring legacy of leadership and advocacy. His contributions will continue to shape the future of Indiana for years to come.

Advocacy for Newborn Screenings

Doug Gutwein’s commitment to the well-being of Indiana’s newborns was evident in his tireless advocacy for expanded newborn screenings. Recognizing the importance of early detection and intervention, Gutwein championed legislation that had a profound impact on the lives of countless families.

Graham’s Law: Adding SCID and SMA to Indiana’s Newborn Screening List

Gutwein’s dedication to improving the health outcomes of Indiana’s newborns led him to write “Graham’s Law,” a landmark legislation that expanded the state’s newborn screening list. This law mandated the inclusion of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) in the screenings that Indiana newborns undergo soon after delivery.

By adding SCID and SMA to the screening panel, Gutwein ensured that infants with these conditions would receive early diagnosis and timely treatment. This proactive approach has the potential to save lives and improve the quality of life for affected children and their families. Gutwein’s efforts in passing Graham’s Law demonstrated his deep understanding of the importance of early intervention in mitigating the impact of these severe conditions.

Bryce’s Bill: Expanding Newborn Screening Panel for Rare Genetic Conditions

In his ongoing commitment to improving newborn health, Gutwein authored “Bryce’s Bill,” a legislation that expanded Indiana’s newborn screening panel to include additional rare genetic conditions. This bill was named in honor of Bryce Clausen, a child who tragically lost his life to Krabbe disease at just 14 months old.


Bryce’s Bill added Krabbe disease, Pompe disease, Hurler’s syndrome, and adrenoleukodystrophy to the newborn screening panel. By expanding the range of conditions screened, Gutwein ensured that more infants would receive early diagnosis and appropriate medical interventions. This proactive approach has the potential to improve outcomes and provide families with the support they need to navigate the challenges associated with these rare genetic conditions.

Gutwein’s advocacy for expanded newborn screenings through Graham’s Law and Bryce’s Bill exemplifies his deep commitment to the health and well-being of Indiana’s youngest residents. His efforts have undoubtedly made a lasting impact on the lives of countless families, ensuring that every child has the best possible start in life.

Efforts to Address Flooding and Drainage Issues

Doug Gutwein recognized the pressing need to address flooding and drainage difficulties in Indiana, particularly along the Kankakee and Yellow rivers. His proactive approach and commitment to finding sustainable solutions led to significant advancements in managing these challenges and protecting communities from the devastating effects of flooding.

Establishment of Kankakee River Basin and Yellow River Basin Development Commission

In 2019, Gutwein took a decisive step towards addressing the flooding and drainage issues by writing a statute that established the Kankakee River Basin and Yellow River Basin Development Commission. This commission was tasked with handling the problems and enhancing the interstate river system to mitigate flooding and drainage difficulties along the Kankakee and Yellow rivers.

The establishment of this commission marked a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to protect communities and infrastructure from the destructive impacts of flooding. By bringing together experts, stakeholders, and community representatives, the commission aimed to develop comprehensive strategies and implement sustainable solutions to manage water resources effectively.

Gutwein’s foresight and dedication to addressing these pressing issues demonstrated his commitment to the well-being and safety of Indiana residents. Through the establishment of the Kankakee River Basin and Yellow River Basin Development Commission, he laid the foundation for collaborative efforts that will have a lasting impact on flood prevention, water management, and the overall resilience of the affected communities.

Commitment to Veterans

Doug Gutwein’s unwavering commitment to supporting and honoring veterans is a testament to his deep respect and gratitude for their service. Throughout his career, Gutwein championed initiatives and legislation aimed at improving the lives of veterans and ensuring they receive the recognition and support they deserve.

American Legion Membership and Military Service

Gutwein’s dedication to veterans was deeply rooted in his own military service and his membership in the American Legion. As a veteran of the United States Army, he understood firsthand the sacrifices made by those who serve in the armed forces. His experiences shaped his perspective and fueled his passion for advocating on behalf of veterans.

By being an active member of the American Legion, Gutwein had a direct connection to the veteran community. This allowed him to better understand their needs and concerns, and to effectively represent their interests in the legislature. His membership in the American Legion further solidified his commitment to supporting veterans and ensuring their voices were heard.

Support for Military Income Tax Exemption and Improved Veteran Services Notification

Gutwein’s support for veterans extended beyond his personal experiences. He co-sponsored a bill that aimed to gradually phase in a full military income tax exemption. This legislation recognized the financial burdens faced by veterans and sought to provide them with much-needed relief. By advocating for this exemption, Gutwein demonstrated his commitment to ensuring that veterans receive the benefits they deserve for their service and sacrifice.

In addition to his efforts on the legislative front, Gutwein also worked to improve veteran services notification. He recognized the importance of ensuring that Hoosier veterans were informed about the resources and support available to them. Through his advocacy, Gutwein created a law that enhanced the notification process, ensuring that veterans had access to the services and assistance they needed to thrive.

Gutwein’s commitment to veterans, demonstrated through his membership in the American Legion, support for military income tax exemption, and efforts to improve veteran services notification, exemplifies his deep respect and gratitude for those who have served our country. His dedication to honoring and supporting veterans will leave a lasting impact on the lives of those who have bravely served our nation.

Doug Gutwein, a former state representative from Francesville, passed away on December 1 after a courageous battle with cancer. Gutwein served House District 16, representing Pulaski County and parts of Fulton, Jasper, Newton, and Starke counties. During his 14-year tenure in the legislature, Gutwein made significant contributions, including writing laws to expand newborn screenings and improve veteran services. He will be remembered for his dedication to public service and his commitment to making a positive impact on his community. Our thoughts are with his loved ones during this difficult time.

